Monday, 2 June 2008

Cooling down a bit...

Greetings to all you peeps! Has been a quiet period in EVE for me: RL-responsibilities can sometimes wear one down quite efficiently. Got a position as vice-MD in real life so thats why things have been quite slow lately.
So, where were we? I resigned TRAPS and fell into the bottomless abyss known as afk-mining. Not that it was a bad thing financially: built myself a Fenrir-class freighter and then a Nidhoggur-class carrier. The Fenrir came in quite handy in hauling all those assembled parts into a lowsec-system for manufacturing of the carrier itself. 8 days left on the clock until my carrier is ready from the production line. However, got a huge list of skills to improve/study to be able to fly that sucker: Minmatar BS lvl5 is 30 days away and also missing Advanced SSC lvl5 (21 days), remote armor repair lvl5, remote hull repair lvl5, energy emissions lvl5 and then I have to get the respective capital skills going, so theres lots to read and estimated virgin-voyage of the carrier is around x-mas holidays :)
In the mean time I have been more active on my alt, who is refining his piracy skills in the form of Amarr/Minmatar AF and respective T2-weaponry. Also next in line is the damn evasive maneuvring lvl5 for the Interceptors - can't wait to fly Malediction with my alt's rocket spec lvl4! I reckon it'll be a while until I post again here as the skills take time and got more fun on the alt, so let see us after the summer!