Monday, 2 June 2008
Cooling down a bit...
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Things change
Monday, 31 March 2008
War is (boring as) hell.
Thursday, 27 March 2008
More PVP!
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Invention v2.0
Well, 12 runs is not exactly instant bliss, but way better than my 3-run Jaguar print. What worries me here is the low ME of -3, meaning a wasteage of 40%. Now what remains to be done is the market study of components needed for manufacturing and calculations of cost-efficiency.
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
The Alliance grows
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Enough with the POS business!
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Hi-sec POS is like a big baby
My greetings to all you folks out there. Stumbling to my blog gives a 95% chance that you already know what is EVE-Online and the rest of you peeps go check to get an idea what I am about to share with you.
Starting a career
The End
Finally it was time to say goodbye! Or I should have... During the last months of my membership in Erasers Inc. I had sort of become an invisible part of the machinery that kept the production lines rolling and I wanted to see if my resigning would be noted at all. So I resigned all grantable roles, waited for 24 hours and then resigned. Not a word to anyone. A few days later I got a mail from my former CEO, saying I have something that belogs to the corporation, namely I had bought (as agreed with CEO himself) 2 skillbooks (advanced mass production and advanced laboratory operation) with corporate cash and he now wanted the money back. Wow, talk about Uncle McScrooge! The other skillbook I had already trained and used for the corporations manufacturing for quite some time and the other was still in my hangar due to pre-requisite not met. Fair enough - I returned the other skillbook and paid 20 million for the other. I also escrowed (thats what the predecessor of contracting was called) him a BPO of a Rupture-class Minmatar cruiser, which I had also bought with corp cash and had set to a laboratory installation for some Material Efficiency (ME) development. Thats all. No thanks, no interest in my reasons for quitting the corporation. I guess I had overestimated my role in the corporation. Having resigned from duty and back in the steady service of The Brutor Tribe, I received disturbing information: I was being accused of corporate theft behind my back! As soon as I learned about all the rumors flying around I contacted my former CEO and asked what the hell this was all about. The reply was something like "...umm... I'm not really involved in these industrial things... you should ask Divitys". What a load of horse manure! Where is the fucking back bone of the CEO, trying to avoid a straight confrontation from a former member, who's just trying to get a clarification!? Nuff said, the guy has since retired to Dungeons and Dragons Online (rofl). Divitys was the one responsible for spreading all these lies about me and was (and still is, to my knowledge) one of the directors using the corp members for his own agenda and fuelling his own private POS with corporation assets. Even if I had rubbed him the wrong way - this was too low a way to get back at me, I think. That is why he is the only person I name in my story. If you're reading this, Divitys - you're one fucking numb-nuts, mate:)
A run-about in 0.0
After a couple of days in Brutor Tribe, I was already bored silly, so I applied for a position in another pod pilot corporation by the name "Karjala". A former member of Erasers had joined them earlier and was ready to speak for my acceptance. So it happened, I was accepted but the shadow of past still haunted me: The directors of Karjala had heard of the accusations from Divitys and wanted to hear my side of the story. I spilled my guts and they were satisfied. Hats off to Karjala for using their own intellect and not believing all the crap you hear.
So here I was in my new home region of Deklein. Wow! Karjala was at the time a member of the Freelancer Alliance and that finally made it possible for me to go to 0.0 with relative safety as we had allies all the way to 3JN9-Q where our alliance held a conquerable station. The only tough system was the entry point EC-P8R, which was crowded with hostiles camping the gate at certain times of the day. The following 4 months or so passed with mainly ratting and some chasing hostile gangs back from our neck o'the woods into the waiting arms of our neighbours, The Imperial Republic of the North (IRON). They held sovereignty in other parts of Deklein and some of Cloud Ring too, if I remember correctly.
Although the 0.0 period was very educating and I made some friends too, I still thought about startin my own corporation. Having accumulated a shiny 5.0 Concord security status and taken my wallet to new spheres with lucrative ratting at the expence of The Guristas Pirates, I finally decided to go solo. Thank you Karjala for the trust and friendship, all duly appreciated! Now was a time to turn a new page!
My own Corporation!
Finally, after playing EVE-Online for about 17 months, I create my own corporation "Fenris Polaris". The name derives from a combination of my love for wolfs (Fenris being the big bad wolf that will eat Earth at the end of time - Ragnarök - according to Norse legends of Gods) and Polaris representing my Scandinavian roots.
My first action as the owner and CEO of my own corporation is to start looking for a place for my first hi-sec POS. As I have decent standings with the Gallente Federation it is only suitable that I start my search in their territory. As my standings start effecting the corporations standings gradually, I have about one week before my corporation gets the full 7.5 Faction standing I have personally. I start my search primarily in Everyshore and Sinq Laison and before soon I find two viable candidate systems for my POS, Jaschercis and Misneden. However, Misneden seem s abit more crowded and has poor connections, whereas Jaschercis is situated smack in the middle of some sweet level 4 manufacturing agents! The choise is made and I'm off to Oursulaert to buy the small gallente tower and related gear: corporate hangar array, some railgun- and blaster batteries and of course the core of the whole operation - two mobile laboratories to use for BPO research and copying. Dad always said: if you pay peanuts, you get monkies. This was the philosophy I used while shopping and as a result bought some totally unnecessary stuff like the guns - at this point hi-sec POS' were the new hype in town and there was not really need for guns on a lab-POS. Once I had anchored and onlined them and grasped how much CPU and power they use and thus add to the fuel consumption, I offlined them without further delay. I calculated that I had enough strontium clathrates at my POS to withstand any attack until I could online my guns again. Lucky as I have been, there was never a single attack on my POS.
OK, time to let the keyboard cool down and maybe play some EVE:)