Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Hi-sec POS is like a big baby
So I set up my laboratory-POS in Jaschercis. It didn't take long for me to realize that having a hi-sec POS to look after was quite similar to nursing a baby (and if anyone should ask, yes I speak of experience), no matter what the hour of the day - if the fuel is running out it starts to whine in the most annoying way - sending low-fuel warning mails every hour. Then you have to run to your hangar, hop in your industrial and warp to POS for refueling, that is, moving fuel from your corp hangar floating in space to the fuel compartment of your tower. I'm not sure as to what are the current stats of control tower fuel compartment sizes but back then you couldn't fit more than 7 days worth of fuel in a small gallente tower. I can tell you it sucked big time. Especially as I was alone at the start. Luckily I had a bit earlier managed to convert a RL-friend into EVE-addict and I had him join my corp:) This did take some of the pressure off of my shoulders, thank goodness.