Tuesday, 19 February 2008

The Alliance grows

Only a short while has passed since the formation of our alliance. The original founding corporations [HGR], [FEN] and [LSL] have been joined by a corporation which has only recently been put together when a former war-target of ours - Chaos Affliction - split into several smaller groups. I can't for the life of me remember the name of the new member-corp *slaps self* and besides it's downtime so I can't go and see the stats either:) [edit: The new corp is called SILENT-I.K.Y. and I wonder if it stands for silent-I-kill-you:)]
Anyway, it's really nice to see our alliance grow and these new blokes really gave us a run for our money in the war and put up a respectable fight, especially given the average character age, which is way lower than ours. With each joining corp and player we come closer to reaching our main goal of getting a home system of our own.
Let's see where the dice fall:)